Marshall Health, a TRO Jung|Brannen client for more than twenty-five years, is implementing a significant renovation and expansion program, adding a new Patient Bed Tower at its Boaz, Alabama site, known as Marshall Medical Center South. With a portfolio of separate freestanding facilities, including two independent acute care hospitals and a greenfield site Cancer Center, also designed by TRO JB, Marshall Health is one of the advancing multi-disciplinary healthcare providers in North Alabama.
The new Bed Tower project for the 150-bed Marshall Medical Center South is a two-story Vertical Expansion and Renovation taking place above the existing onsite Women’s Center. Patient rooms and toilet rooms have been reconfigured to accommodate efficiency in the use of space, and to support physicians and other caregiving staff. A ceiling-mounted rail support system will be added for a cluster of Bariatric rooms. Each of the new Bed Tower’s two floors will add a 30-bed Medical/Surgical nursing unit and Isolation Rooms for infectious patients.
Ground Floor renovations and expansions include a North Concourse, seen at the patient drop-off under the new covered entrance. Patients arriving through the main entrance and other pedestrians traversing the concourse which connects two separate wings of the hospital, will benefit from the open plan and natural light flooding into the lobby space. The administrative and clinical functions found just off the lobby include waiting, pre-admit testing, and Cath Lab. Adjacent to the entrance, a new Food Service area is provided with an updated layout for furnishings, fixtures, equipment, and utilities. Going further inside, the infill of an existing Courtyard will be built initially as shelled space but is intended for Surgery support and build-out of a Cath Lab and Day Surgery.
Second Floor improvements include expansion and renovation with a more extensive demolition of existing space where the Second Floor Patient Tower once stood, making way for a new “Medical Mall.” An Endoscopy Suite to add Day Surgery capacity and shelled Clinic space will be built. The demolition on this floor also will provide for a Critical Care Unit expansion and tie-in to the existing space and Critical Care Family Waiting.
Third Floor planning for renovations includes assessing the need for a 16-bed Nursing Unit for overflow and HVAC. Renovations to the infrastructure will deliver new Equipment Rooms, providing air to the Endoscopy Suite and clinics below. Traffic and Parking studies are underway to maximize usage of the site for efficient traffic flow and parking and for maintaining the integrity of the site for possible future expansion. With this important and high-profile project, TRO Jung|Brannen continues to manage the challenging juxtaposition of efficient planning for demanding current conditions and the need for flexibility of the future.
Location: Boaz, AL
Square Feet: 67,700