2019 Magic City Cycliad

"Cancer is complicated...helping is not."
This slogan by The Deep South Cancer Foundation perfectly sums up the purpose of their 5th annual Magic City Cycliad: to eliminate barriers that hinder the community from helping those battling with cancer. With no registration costs, fundraising minimums, and with cycling routes for all speeds, this innovative fundraising event attracted an amazing community of both cyclists and non-cyclists alike, with 757 riders, 153 volunteers, and 47 teams who joined together from 13 states to make a difference for cancer.
In keeping with the theme of removing barriers to help, cyclists of all capabilities had the choice to participate in the route that best suited them. Starting and ending at the Kirklin Clinic, TRO Jung|Brannen participated in the Brunch Crawl - an easy 10 mile route around Birmingham that featured tasty food stops every 2 miles, stopping at Babalu’s, Tropicaleo and Freddy’s. Between food stops, we were able to mingle with friends we knew from the community while learning about other local non-profits who are also working to bring awareness and make an impact.

Though fundraising was not required, The Deep South Cancer Foundation, who exists to fund cancer programs, promote prevention, drive awareness, and provide research funding for the UAB Comprehensive Cancer center and their partner hospitals, encouraged riders to do more than just pedal, reminding us that in order to spark a change, they need our help:
"Remember why we ride; for family, friends, colleagues, relatives, children who are fighting cancer or are no longer with us. We ride for those who will one day have this disease. We ride for those who survive because of the research and support that takes place every day at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center."
In total, the DSCF announced that they were able to raise $112,404 from the Cycliad, with 100% of these rider-raised funds going towards the patient support and cancer research being done at UAB. They also announced that the amount of rider-raised funds grew by 59%, counting the day as a huge success!
So though cancer is complicated...helping is not. TRO Jung|Brannen is proud to participate and be a part of such a fun-filled day of entertainment and celebration as we rode together for such a worthy, local cause.