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Bon Appetit in the Hospital…Really?!

University of South Alabama Children’s & Women’s project


Healthcare foodservice is no longer something to painfully endure. And a cafeteria visit is no longer necessarily a journey to the hospital basement.

Now, for patients, it’s a hospitality-like, culinary experience, provided three times a day and full of healthy, chef-inspired choices. It’s food variety, presented sometimes in a modern, techno-savvy way, using digital screens and prepared fresh to order. For family and other visitors, it’s a well-located cafeteria with dine in, food court, self-order kiosks, and “Grab and Go” options in bright, colorful, and comfortable spaces. A wifi cafeteria, which visitors can find easily, is welcoming for those whose stress levels may be otherwise overwhelming.

For hospital executives, it’s an opportunity to score valuable points in patient and staff satisfaction, now a main driver in the business equation. Research shows that giving patients control over something such as “room service”-like meal selection, vastly improves their hospital stay experience, overall. Better meal time environments help to nurture and retain staff.

TRO Jung|Brannen’s unique experience with this highly specialized service is one more way our focus in healthcare benefits our clients and those they serve.

Bon Appetit, indeed!


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